Stellar Spectra

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6. It is the ____ of electrons from higher to lower energy states that produces the emission of light.
7. Planck's law relates this property of light to its wavelength.
9. A yellow star is ____ than a white star.
11. This scientist (Annie Jump ____) was instrumental in the creation of the Harvard Classification Scheme, which was the first serious attempt to organize and classify stars based on their temperatures.
13. This type of spectrum is produced by a hot, glowing solid.
15. The ____ state is the lowest allowed energy state of an atom, molecule, or ion.
16. Red is a ____ wavelength of light than blue light.
17. This property of light determines its color.
18. This property of a star is what determines why one stellar spectra is different from another.
1. Stars are made of this.
2. This type of spectrum is produced by a hot, glowing gas. Also called a "bright-line" spectrum.
3. Human eyes are sensitive to this portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
4. This scientist's law states that the energy of light depends on its wavelength.
5. An orange star is ____ than a red star.
8. When an electron temporarily occupies an energy state greater than its ground state the atom is said to be ____.
9. This characteristic allows us to easily (with just our eyes) determine the relative temperature of stars.
10. These letters represent the spectral class of stars from hottest to coolest.
12. Stars have this kind of "dark-line" spectrum.
14. The peak wavelength of a hot star will be ____ than the peak wavelength of a cooler star.
17. This scientist's displacement law says that as a material gets hotter, the peak intensity of radiation given off by the object shifts toward shorter and shorter wavelengths of light.